What do Jobs, Musk, and Oprah have in common? Leading with charisma! HBS business historian on the Walker Webcast

What do Jobs, Musk, and Oprah have in common?
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What do Jobs, Musk, and Oprah have in common? Leading with charisma! HBS business historian on the Walker Webcast

"Great leaders stand at the edge of history and bring future to the present." -- One of many iconic insights spoken by the legendary Harvard Business School professor Dr. Richard Tedlow on this week's webcast. 

Dr. Tedlow and Willy discussed what made Tom Watson of IBM and Andy Grove of Intel great leaders, as well as Dr. Tedlow's newest book, which profiles the likes of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Oprah. 

Watch the Walker Webcast > 

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About Walker & Dunlop’s Webcast Series

 The Walker Webcast series brings listeners fresh perspectives about leadership, business, the economy, commercial real estate, and more. Walker & Dunlop CEO Willy hosts a diverse network of leaders as they share wisdom that cuts across industry lines. His guests include prominent CEOs, academics, high-ranking government officials and sports heroes. The Webcast’s goal is simple: provide unique insights, data, and real-time market analysis to help you navigate these uncertain times. ABOUT US Walker & Dunlop has been funding the visions of commercial real estate owners and operators since 1937. With that experience comes the understanding that no two deals are the same—and that each deserves personal attention to tailor capital solutions that meet and exceed your specific needs, objectives, and expectations.

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